$47.00 USD

Every month

14 day trial
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All Access Membership

Join and get full access to our library of courses, all filled with teachings that are both academic and spiritual.

What you'll get:

  • Access to The Indian Wisdom School library of 20+  on-demand courses
  • Access to new live courses (6+ new courses a year)
  • Access to Wisdom Wednesdays, a weekly live reading and discussion of the Bhagavad Gītā with Dr. Raj
  • Access to live Q&As with Dr. Raj every quarter
  • Access to our online community
  • The option to cancel at anytime

Your membership gives you full access to all these features as long as it is active.

Special Summer School Offer: Get an Extended 14 Day Free Trial!

With this offer, you can will receive full access to all our courses for 14 days risk free. After the 14 day trial ends, your card will be charged $47 for the following month's membership. Your card will not be charged if you cancel within the 14 day trial.