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Living Wisdom for Modern Life.

Receive traditional Indian wisdom teachings from a living lineage infused with scholarship and storytelling through online courses and in-person retreats. Founded for lifelong learners, yogis and spiritual seekers, transmissions from The Indian Wisdom School facilitate intellectual, spiritual and personal growth. Experience a special synergy of scholarly and spiritual perspectives to not just learn about ancient India's spiritual traditions but from them.


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"We're all caught up in a story - a story that defines our range of motion and being."
Dr. Raj (Chitheads Podcast)

Featured Courses

Righteous Rāma
Visions of Virtue in the Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa

Few works of world literature have been as monumentally influential as the story of Rāma. The first Sanskrit iteration of the intriguing career of Rāma (Rāmāyaṇa) is told by the primordial poet Vālmīki. It commences with the poet’s seminal question “Who in the world is truly virtuous? Who is mighty and yet also knows the ways of righteousness?” The answer to this, according to the ancient epic, is the hero-prince Rāma, an incarnation of Viṣṇu himself. Yet many of the actions of Rāma vex and perplex us to this very day. Learn about this famous epic through the lens of virtue and ethics: ascetic ethics, war ethics, ethics of rulership, and how to apply these teaching to your life.

$197 USD

Goddess Stories

Our gift to you

From consort goddesses such as Sītā to fierce martial mothers such as Durgā, these captivating characters have much to teach. This 4-module course draws from Dr. Raj Balkaran's new book The Stories Behind the Poses

"The stories we tell are the tissues of our consciousness." 
Dr. Raj (Chitheads Podcast)
Painting of Shankaracharya sitting with students

On demand online courses

Designed for the intellectually curious and spiritually seeking, The Indian Wisdom School is here to support seekers, yoga teachers, and lifelong learners with profound curriculum which meets your wherever you are and takes you to a higher vantage point. Each course is in-depth yet accessible for all interested audiences and experience levels.

Painting of Goddess Saraswati Devi

Ancient teachings for modern life

School courses deliver profound insights and practical tools to empower individuals to grow intellectual, emotionally, and spiritually all the while meaningfully engaging the world. We integrate both empirical and experiential modes of knowing, avoiding the pitfalls of new age delusion, academic reductionism, or traditional dogmatism. The school's approach is as innovative as it is timely. 

Ancient teachings for modern life

School courses deliver profound insights and practical tools to empower individuals to grow intellectual, emotionally, and spiritually all the while meaningfully engaging the world. We integrate both empirical and experiential modes of knowing, avoiding the pitfalls of new age delusion, academic reductionism, or traditional dogmatism. The school's approach is as innovative as it is timely. 

Painting of Goddess Saraswati Devi
Painting of Vyasa teaching Rama and Laksmana

Enrich your spiritual life 

Join our vibrant community of intellectuals, lifelong learners and spiritual seekers to engage in meaningful discussion, connect with like-minded individuals, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and cultural exploration.

"Immeasurable is the impact stories have on the consciousness of an individual and the consciousness of a culture."
Dr. Raj (Chitheads Podcast)

On Demand Online Courses

Explore our full library of courses

Image of Testimonial 1 author

"I first came across Dr Balkaran through his work with the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and have since taken a number of courses with him, all of which have been fabulous. Dr Balkaran has a gift for synthesizing complex information and teaches with a storytelling style that supports comprehension. I am thrilled that he has opened up an online school that will make his teaching accessible to those that are looking for learning that is grounded in academic study. This is a real gift and I look forward to continuing my studies with him." 

Natalie Rousseau
Yoga Educator 

Image of Testimonial 2 author

"Dr. Raj Balkaran has the profound ability to present a mythological narrative in a context that relates to modern human existence; masterful storytelling. This ability permeates an audience through an obvious depth of knowledge and cultivation for his craft. Many words come to mind with the attempt to define his style, one word shines among the rest: candor. As a graduate student in the blossoming field of Yoga Studies, I cannot express the proper gratitude for Dr. Raj and his method of mystical swagger. He has tremendously assisted my personal understanding of inherently foreign concepts embedded within Indian Wisdom and Myth. If you fancy a deeper conception of the meaning of life, Philosophy, Mythology or Spirituality, Dr. Raj Balkaran and his School of Indian Wisdom offer a sturdy platform."

Dustin Nicholas Holmes
Naropa UniversityWisdom Traditions
M.A. Yoga Studies

Image of Testimonial 3 author

"Raj Balkaran is a charismatic teacher sharing his knowledge of Indian religion and bringing ancient wisdom into modern life. His teaching style is infectious and offers a rare combination of personal practice, deep learning of the ancient texts and academic brilliance. Raj Balkaran’s skilful delivery of the courses and the ability to speak in a modern and accessible manner about the most inconceivable and controversial topics within Hindu tradition are truly wonderful and allow students to integrate various ideas from the rich tradition of the Indian philosophy and mythology into their personal practices. Dr. Balkaran is a teacher who understands the needs and quests of today’s spiritual seekers and practitioners and his School is a unique and a much-awaited opportunity for any interested-minded students to access the complex realm of the Indian philosophy and mythology explained in an approachable and engaging manner."

Aijan Kenenbaeva
Yoga Practitioner and Hinduism Student 


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